First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Company Name
Social Media Links
What TYPE(S) of photoshoot best suits your needs?
What TYPE(S) of photoshoot best suits your needs?
Lifestyle Shots- Product ONLY (using product in their intended environment)
Lifestyle Shots- Product WITH human element (hands, wrists, etc. additional fee maybe required)
Lifestyle Shots- Product WITH hired model (additional fee required)
Rented Studio Space of Product WITH hired Model (additional fees required)
Interior Photography
Which timeframe would work best for you? (Keep in mind the TYPES of shoots you are looking for...i.e. if you need 3 hours of lifestyle AND 3 hours of e-commerce you would pick 2 half days since they have different time requirements for set up, etc.)
Which timeframe would work best for you? (Keep in mind the TYPES of shoots you are looking for...i.e. if you need lifestyle AND interior shots you would pick 2 half days since they have different time requirements for set up, equipment, location changes, etc)
1 FULL day shoot (6 hours)
2 FULL day shoots (2 x 6 hours)
1 HALF day shoot (4 hours)
2 Half day shoots (2 x 4 hours)
Tell us a little bit about your content needs. We love all the little details!
Tell us a little bit about your content needs. We love all the little details
Do you have location requirements for your shoots? (keeping in mind specific touches you would like to add to your image's look and feel such as home interiors OR outdoor elements such as mountains, beaches, trees, pools, etc.)
Do you have location requirements for your shoots? (Keeping in mind specific touches you would like to add to your image's look and feel such as home interiors OR outdoor elements such as beaches, trees, pools, etc.)
How involved would you like us to be in the creative direction process?
How involved would you like me to be in the creative direction process? If you have example images of what you're looking for I'd love to see those as well. :)
How will the images be used?
How will the images be used? Example: Web, social, point of sale, print, ad in magazine, etc.
Is there anything we didn't address that you feel may be important to know in terms of prep, restrictions, time requirements, etc.?
Is there anything we didn't address that you feel may be important to know in terms of prep, restrictions, time requirements, etc.?